Sunday, April 3, 2011

Past Placement Woes

From February of 2009-March 2010, Miranda (then 17) lived with us. Madelyn adored her. Andrew tolerated her. Paul understood her best. Miranda's past included drug dealer parents, homelessness, addiction, loss of her dad at 15, moving in with a 34 year old man at 15, becoming pregnant with his babies because he said he "wanted to be a family", losing twin boys when she was seven months pregnant, two rehabilitation programs, not much school, and a complicated personality. Miranda reminds me of the girl in the nursery rhyme-- "when she was good, she was very, very, good and when she was bad she was horrid." Miranda was incredibly fun to be around. She was funny, and daring, and socially fearless. Miranda was also infuriating. She would push and push her boundaries. She wasn't always truthful (though she tried). Most of all, she tired me out. I pushed her pretty hard to finish school. She ended up getting her GED. I pushed her into completing her CNA cerification. She left our house because she would not find a job, prefering to spend her time with game addicted boyfriend instead. She moved in with boyfriend and announced she was pregnant shortly thereafter. Boyfriend wanted nothing to do with baby. Miranda moved out and found Previous Boyfriend. She and Previous Boyfriend are now engaged. She had her baby on Thursday.
    Understandably, Paul and I have had some pretty in depth discussions about Miranda's baby. We are both terrified for both Miranda and the baby. Paul did not want to go and see her at the hospital. He felt like he couldn't look her in the face and say "congratulations". I wanted to go, to see the baby, to show support. I want to be a resource for Miranda. I feel like that is the best way to help the baby in the long run. I also feel like it's Miranda we need to support. If Baby helps Miranda grow up and have the family she craves... maybe it will work? Okay, I know it's a slim hope, but it's all I have right now. 

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